Conquest For Death is an intercontinental crossover/thrash/hardcore powerhouse! This band plays at ludicrous speeds with sonic-charged riffs, frantic bass grooves, pulverizing drum work and intense vocal grunts. These dudes have been slaying for years all around the planet and still haven't shown a sign of calling it quits. Snag everything below because it's all rad as fuck. Dig!
- Members Also Play(ed) In: No Statik, Colbom, Ritual Control, Artimus Pyle, Vaccuum, Fassbender, Assfort, Opt Out, Fuckface, Love Songs, All You Can Eat, This Is My Fist & What Happens Next?

Many Nations, One Underground 12" EP (2013)

Possuído Pelo Cão Split 7" (2013)
(C.F.D. Tracks Only)
One Definition Of Success 7" (2011)

Beyond The Hidden Valley CD (2007)

Front Row Tickets To Armageddon CD (2007)

Self Titled 7" (2006)