Hexis is a rowdy and
destructive DIY hardcore extravaganza from Copenhagen, Denmark. These
guys play a super heavy style of distorted, beefed up black-metal/grindcore
infused hardcore punk. Powerful blasts of furious guitar riffs,
thundering drums and doomy bass all topped off with girthy growls and screams. Hexis is
fucking devastating as hell! Prepare to get your brain crushed in, enjoy the
jams and DIG.

This Gift Is A Curse Split 7" (2015)
(Hexis Track Only)
Hexis / Primitive Man Split 10" (2014)
Abalam LP (2014)
Hexis / Redwood Hill Split 7" (2013)

X 7" (2012)
Hexis / As We Draw / Euglena : 3-Way Split LP (2011)
(Hexis Tracks Only)
Demo Cassette (2011)