The Cattle was a short lived project constructed by Rich Perusi of The Dedication & Sex Positions fame. I guess you can call this his brainchild band where he not only covers vocal duties, he added some of his own skills on guitar, bass and drums. Brad Wallace (Transistor Transistor & Orchid) plays a good chunk of the guitar and I believe some of the other dudes spent time in Perusi's previous bands. These guys have quite a different sound. It's a some-what lo-fi, surfy, noisy, rock punk mix with addition of some keyboards and mixing. I'd say it's more on the experimental punk side of things but it is pretty damn catchy and fun at the same time. These guys only released a Self-Titled CDep which is posted below. Snag it up Y'all...Rock On...Dig.
Self Titled CDep (2004)